The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26401   Message #325333
Posted By: Jim the Bart
23-Oct-00 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
Subject: RE: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
About For What It's Worth - This song predates both Jackson and Kent State by quite a few years. Unless I misread the previous post, I think the reference should have been to Neil Young's "Ohio"I believe it was written about a police confrontation with "bearded youths" on the Sunset Strip. I seem to remember that the violence was over curfew violations, rather than "protest", per se.

SLWRLW, One thing that is hard to understand now is the general air of protest that existed in the early sixties and on into the 70's. Student movements began to emerge with the free speech protests at the University in Berkeley, California. Many of the tactics that were used had been developed in the Freedom Rides and demonstrations over integration and voters rights. The anti-war movement became a focal point for a lot of dissatisfaction with the government and society in general. It attracted people who wanted to change drug laws, end sexual repression and bring attention to many human rights issues. The songs often reflect that kaleidescopic vision - changing from verse to verse, trying to include as many "colors" as possible. This makes simple interpretation ("This is about that") difficult.

You have gotten a lot of good comments from the posts here. Good luck and post again.