The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141147   Message #3253534
Posted By: John P
09-Nov-11 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: 'Occupy English Folk Music!'
Subject: RE: 'Occupy English Folk Music!'
glueman, you just officially became a waste of time. Your dismissive attitude toward everyone else is tiring. People spend a lot of time and care writing things in response to your concerns and you dismiss the whole thing with a snide comment. You pretend to be asking serious questions, but it becomes obvious that you only ask the questions so you can say your same piece over and over. You obviously don't know how to carry on a conversation. Please go bother some other thread. Maybe we should start a "beat the dead horse" thread where you can say traditional music is dead, Big Al can say there's a conspiracy against him, Little Hawk can say everyone else is unconscious, and Ron Davies can say that atheists kill people. Over and over and over again.