The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141338   Message #3253843
Posted By: GUEST,Veronica Rutledge
09-Nov-11 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: How many roads must a man walk down
Subject: RE: BS: How many roads must a man walk down
In any case, pay no attention to the lunatic Ballsworthy, screaming out of one side of his mouth and drooling out the other. He has been writing incredible stories about my family and Uncle Winston for years. He is mad, mad as the proverbial hatter. He is an idiot of the first water. He makes swamp mud look sentient in comparison. In the Land of the Mad, he would undoubtedly be crowned as the King.

It is my understanding that he runs a separate Independent Press to the one you are alluding to, and that he has moved his offices several times after certain unfortunate incidents occurred, possibly due to his constant harassment of people from a far better lineage than his own...

You just can't do that sort of destructive thing to innocent people forever without suffering a certain amount of bad luck in return. It's a karmic certainty. Either that or he did it himself to get the insurance money. One has to wonder, though, where he acquired that amount of explosives. I'm betting that he got them from Muammar Gadhaffi. If so, he will have to find a new supplier now! :-)

