The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26401   Message #325457
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
23-Oct-00 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
Subject: RE: Need Help With 60's Protest Songs
Think about it, Spaw--there was no practical reason for implementing a lottery at all, it was totally a PR-motivated--the message, "I can't end the war, but I can end your involvment in it--we'll omly take those guys!" was the classic divide and conquer strategy--

And God bless you Spaw, we can agree on some matters, and disagree on other matters--but, ornery old SOB that I am, for years, I have been a great Carpenters fan--much to the distress of many--but they were great, and their music will never die!! That ought to count for something--Anyway, I liked Country Joe, and even used to call my local radio station and request "Who Am I?"--it should have been a hit!!(Only made it to No 114 on the Hot 100)--

Katie: You should get a hold of "Phil Ochs In Concert" to hear what a folk concert of the protest era sounded like, and to hear some of the greatest protest songs ever--one of my personal favorites is "I Ain't A Marchin' Anymore" but there are other noteworthy tunes, and they give a great picture, with depth and breadth, of the issues--

See if you can did out something by the Fugs--"Kill for Peace" might be nice--