The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134243   Message #3254709
Posted By: Beer
10-Nov-11 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
Subject: RE: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
I have been fascinated with crows ever since my brother Norman raised two back when he was 14/15. He called them (what else but) "Heckle & Jeckle". Well Jeckle didn't live to long because brother was told that if you split it's tongue you could teach it to talk. Didn't work. Sorry for you bleeding hearts that are now pissed at what my brother did. But that was back in the 60's so report him.
Heckle however lived for many years and Norm would have a special whistle for him (or her)and he/she would come out of no where and land on his shoulder. It really was a special time.
Have a good listen to the following video and as much as I hate being awaken at 5 in the morning there is no bird more intelligent than the crow.