The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141147   Message #3254861
Posted By: TheSnail
11-Nov-11 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: 'Occupy English Folk Music!'
Subject: RE: 'Occupy English Folk Music!'
Tomorrow night at the Lewes Saturday Folk Club, Chris Coe and John Adams. Lots of ballads and traditional songs and tunes. Chris Coe did us an extended ballad session at last year's Lewes Folk Festival. We do at least one of those a year; we had Brian Peters this year. They are invariably well attended.
If you can't make that, try our Sussex All Day Sing at Barcombe on 21st January 2012. Starting at 11am with an hour of traditional tunes, it's then solid singing through to 11pm. Obviously not all ballads; we'd never get round the room. It was amusing this year when a young chap sang Simon and Garfunkel's The Boxer to a room full of crusty old traddies. We all sang along including the cymbal noises. "Lie La Lie (tusssh) Lie La Lie La La Lie Lie Lie, Lie La Lie (tusssh)...."