The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134243   Message #3255073
Posted By: GUEST,999
11-Nov-11 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
Subject: RE: BS: Birds & weather. The crows are massing.
About a week back, I saw snow geese fly and land in the river just above the rapids (class 2 water). Some of the adult geese led the juveniles down the rapids. It really seemed like a kids day off from the practice the had been undergoing in prep for the flight south.

I've seen a mountain chickadee and a nuthatch fooling around with each other, taking turns chasing each other. There was NO violence between the two, just a couple of birds having some fun.

There was a squirrel who would jump ointo the back of a mourning dove. The dove responded by fluffing its wings and giving the squirrel a dirty look. The squirrel would do it again and the dove seemed to play along and when the game was over, the dove flew off.

I've seen many instances of animals and birds engaged in play. Of course, one day the lion will lay down with the lamb, but one of them won't get a good night's sleep.