The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141452   Message #3255509
Posted By: Howard Jones
12-Nov-11 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mike Tindall fined and kicked off team
Subject: BS: Mike Tindall fined and kicked off team
Mike Tindall has been fined £25000 by the RFO and kicked off the England rugby team, for doing what rugby players do - going out and having a few beers, and making an arse of himself.

Now his behaviour was certainly inappropriate and he undoubtedly deserves to be disciplined, but this seems to be a bit over the top, especially when compared with the punishments given to two other players who made inappropriate remarks to a female member of the hotel staff (arguably a more serious offence), who were given suspended fines of £5000 each.

Of course, as a senior member of the squad he should have set a better example. It was probably unwise to snog a blonde under the CCTV cameras, just weeks after his wedding to a member of the Royal Family, but that's surely between him and his wife. The attention and furore all this caused was probably a distraction, but England's failure to progress in the World Cup can hardly be blamed on this.

Simon Barnes in today's Times nominates Tindall for "Arsehole of the Year" and it's probably well-deserved, but drinking too much and being an arsehole is part of the job-description for rugger-buggers.

Whilst his behaviour was clearly unacceptable, and he let his team, his country and his wife down, I can't help feeling his punishment is out of proportion and that he is being scapegoated for England's failure in the tournament.