The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141452   Message #3255624
Posted By: Howard Jones
12-Nov-11 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mike Tindall fined and kicked off team
Subject: RE: BS: Mike Tindall fined and kicked off team
Bill D, drinking and horseplay were part of the culture associated with rugby long before it became a professional, ocmmercialised sport. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it's the reality of the game.

From what I've read, I don't think his behaviour was "extreme", especially compared with the excesses of some soccer stars. He and some team-mates went out and had a few drinks - admittedly in a bar with dwarf-wrestling, but according to reports "no dwarves were thrown". If he wasn't married to the Princess Royal's daughter, and hadn't been caught dallying with a blonde, and not long after his wedding at that, the news would have been confined to some mild criticism on the sports pages, and he'd have got away with a bollocking from the team management. If England had been playing better, it would probably all have been ignored. It's only because of his royal connection that the story achieved the prominence it did - and yes, of course he should have known better.