The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71908   Message #3257230
Posted By: GUEST,Lazy Fingers
15-Nov-11 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: Sigma Guitars
Subject: RE: sigma guitars
I have a Sigma DR-7S (Sunburst) that will go on EBay Soon! Itʻs got the sideways M pearl inlay and SIGMA in gold on the headstock (1975-78). I need the money to deposit towards a classical guitar that Iʻm having built. I have a Taylor 510 and a Martin OMC-28, but this Sigma compares well in tone and volume and is the brighter of the three. Since I have large hands, I have a little bit of a problem finger-picking this baby. Just canʻt get used to the nut width of 1 11/16".