The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #325745
Posted By: Bill D
23-Oct-00 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
People get the government they deserve.....

That is, the people collectively get the government they deserve collectively. Individually, it just don't work out. In some ways, the Republicans are the greatest pragmitists...if THEY win, they immediately do things that specifically benefit themselves, and the class/economic gap in society grows ever wider. The only real difference between older style conservatives and todays, is that now they also do a good job of lying to themselves about the real consequences of their actions.

They complain about "big government" because the bigger the government, the harder it is to control.....why, if it gets TOO big, it might even have room for some real programs to DO things for people, like Art and mousethief said.