The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71726   Message #3257847
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
15-Nov-11 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Ching Chong Chinaman Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ching Chong Chinaman Song
"Joy Luck Club" had no sympathetic Asian male characters at all. Not one. The white husbands, with one exception, were portrayed as ideal husbands. Then again, I do believe Amy Tan is married to a white man and that may have influenced her thinking. Suppose a white woman marries an Asian man and then writes a story where every single white male character is a complete asshole. Not one has a clue of how to act like a decent human being while the Asian male characters seem more or less well-balanced, disirable husband material. You'd say there was a bit of an agenda there, wouldn't you? If you don't, you should.

When Lucy Liu was cast in that "Charlie's Angels" remake, she demanded that her character's father be a white man. I believe they had cast an Asian man first, but due to her objections, cast John Cleese instead. No explanation is given as to how this obvious full-blooded Asian woman could possibly have a white father. Imagine watching a movie where Uma Thurman's character has a Filippino father without any explanation of how that could possibly be. Certainly, you would wonder about it. But when an Asian woman wants a white man to play her daddy, we don't wonder about that. Why is that?

Then she made this movie or something where several different men propose to her--all of them white. You would think as an Asian woman, one or two Asian men might be among her suitors. No, not Lucy Liu. Imagine, say, Rachel McAdams, doing a movie where every man wining and dining her is black--no white males even make a brief appearance. Would you not find that a wee bit odd?

And we haven't touched on how Liu's minority status exhibiting this behavior is hurtful to others who share that status. Just the behavior by itself is in need of questioning.