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Thread #141076   Message #3258250
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Nov-11 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
""Michael Anthony Hoffman II,"
And by emulating the Hoffmans of this world's behaviour of holocaust denial by denying proven massacares by Israelis, the point you are making is that basically there is no difference between your stance and his.
His descriptions match the official ones - the enquiries into the massacres, the trustworthy news reprots from The Times, the Guardian, the BBC, the United Nations - all of these are not holocaust deniers. Scumbags like him don't have to make it up any more - you are doing their job for them.
You can't complain about their holocaust denying if you are doing exactly the same thing yourselves.
I picked my example directly off Wikipaedia without having any idea who Hoffman was - it was one of many I could have chosen - I've already given quotes from The United Nations which Keith dismisses out of hand (I doubt if he even read it.
You people in your support for State terrorism have made as great a contribution to Anti-Semitism as a thousand Hoffmans ever could.
Jim Carroll