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Thread #141507   Message #3258855
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
17-Nov-11 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Good heavens all the Lefties moaning as usual.

The great Al who would obviously have been delighted to pay £250 per ton of coal from Markham Main instead of buying it at £8 per ton mined open cast in Australia and delivered. How very nice to support Mr Scargill and keep him in a manner to which he and his fellow trade union bosses could rapidly become accustomed. Unfortunately the knock on effects for British business and the British people would have been disastrous.

Come Al tell us all how great times were in the 1970's - Ah the rolling power cuts, the rubbish in the streets, the IMF hand-outs, the three-day week. C'mon Al tell us all about it.

Let's see now Thatcher was elected to power in a landslide in 1979 - 32 years ago!!! - And you are still wittering on about it??. "Socialist" Parties have formed Governments since 1997 and have done what? (Apart from completely Fuck Up) - Oh of course "They weren't really "socialist" - They never are, nor ever will be you bloody idiots - because they will never work. Every Labour Government that has been elected since 1945 has successively ruined this country leaving it up shit creek without a paddle and the last lot were no exception, in fact they were so inept they even managed to make some of their predecessors look competent in a mediocre sort of fashion. But while mourning your lot remember it was Chancellor Brown (Gordon of Cartoon) who raided the pensions fund to buy votes and it was the same Brown who sold off British Gold Reserves at bargain basement prices, what an astute TWAT he was.

Who was it that pulled us out of the shit we were left in by Wilson, Heath and Callaghan? Margaret Thatcher and a bloody marvellous job she made of it.