The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12564   Message #325887
Posted By: GUEST,CraigS
24-Oct-00 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: Request for new singers/songwriters
Subject: RE: Request for new singers/songwriters
That sounds like the man, but I can't be certain. OK, he doesn't sing much, but he deserves mentioning. He made two albums in the Seventies which were hard to get, even then. About five years ago someone played me a bad tape of one of them and asked me if I knew anything. I checked through someone I know and found he was still working in Germany, and was given his agent's address. I gave this to the guy who'd asked me - he works for the BBC, so I figured he could do his own research. Anyway, he didn't follow it up. I did, much later, and found the agent had given up the business and couldn't help as Mr Qualey had moved house. Trail gone cold unless I rattle cages again!