The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64539   Message #3258892
Posted By: Dave'sWife
17-Nov-11 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sherry Black Pepper Biscuits
Subject: RE: BS: Sherry Black Pepper Biscuits
Guest, LynnT - so glad you were able to make use of my ad hoc recipe for batgoddess from several years ago.

I was thinking of making some today and a friend sent me this free download of Martha Stewart Radio's 2011 Thanksgiving Cookbook which contians a Black Pepper & Parmesan "Biscuit" recipe on Page 42 but it's a fluffy biscuit, American-Southern Style and not a crisp biscuit round such as what I whipped up. Here's the linky for those who wish to peruse the recipe and others:

Martha Stewart Siruis Radio 2011 Holiday Cookbook PDF

Next Summer, Lynn, I simply must try your serving suggestion of my own Pink Black Pepper biscuits (I used an aged Madeira port sherry) with wedges of seedless watermelong or perhaps use a melon baller to scoop a round of melon on top. if one wanted to go all fancy, I'd use my smallest fluted biscuit cutter and cut out some thinly sliced, cured ham to go under the Sweet, watery melon. Yummmmy.

Ever since I came up with that recipe, I make these bsicuits for Holiday parties since they make nice nibbles to go with wine & coctails where the only food offered is a Cheese & fruit platter. When made in the size I make them, they stack up nicely in clear Deli plastic containers that I can embelleish with ribbons.

Heck, I'm just glad an old recipe is still in use. Please pass it on and feel free to label it a Mudcat Special by Dave'sWife (who will have been Dave's wife for 15 years very soon!)

Blessings and merriment to you all.