The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141550   Message #3258962
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Nov-11 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
Do you imagine that everyone who disagrees with you about an American political matter MUST therefore be a Republican, Bobert? ;-)

Your attitude on this kind of reminds me of those Spanish Inquisition guys...if you didn't agree with them about everything, you were a servant of Satan! Same basic thing, right?

And then there are those Republicans who think that everyone who doesn't see it their way MUST be a socialist! Same basic routine again. Too funny.

I call it the old "If they're against me, they must be as completely awful and depraved and evil as I think they are! Crucify them!"