The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141550   Message #3259005
Posted By: Donuel
17-Nov-11 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
With all of Obama's success in killing the high profile sworn enemies of the US, Republicans need a foreign policy issue they can hold up as an example of "a failure to act". FOX news appears to be declaring war on Iran with endless stories of new bunker busting bombs and Iran assembling their first atomic bombs.

I believe bombing nuclear materials in Iran is a sad bad idea.

Even if Russia and China said, "sure go ahead, just wait until we are not downwind of the fallout", Pakistan would demonstrate Arab solidarity with some nuclear retallation of their own, but claim no knowledge of such an act.

Obama did meet with the Russian President in Hawaii and had some talks with China who is currently upset that the US is projecting power in the Pacific with new bases in Australia. I don't think they agreed that we start bombing Iran.

Romney, Perry or that Cain in the ass guy don't need no permission from nobody nohow to bomb the hell out of Persia. After all, Nostradamus already predicted it, the Bible told them to, the rapture needs help and astrologers have warned the Earth is headed into Uranus on the 9th hour of the 9th day in the 9th house of Glabnar. All they need to know is the feeling in their gut, which happens to be the same thing they have for brains.