The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141574   Message #3259016
Posted By: Bobert
17-Nov-11 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Subject: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Seems that a lot of folks have fallen for the Republican PR campaign to propagate the notion that both parties are exactly the same...

Let's do a little review...

1. The Republican Party used paid goons and their partisan Supreme Court to steal a presidential election... In the case of Bush v. Gore the court ruled that Bush would be "harmed" if the Florida recount were to be allowed to continue... Reality is that the day before that decision the recount was finding more and more Gore votes and the margin had shrunk to less than 300 votes and every hour was shrinking more...

2. The Republican Party has had in in for the New Deal going back to the days of FDR and has tried over and over to "starve the beast" so they could throw up their hands and say, "Sorry, we're broke"...

3. The Republican Party has spent every opportunity afforded it to disenfranchise voters... In South Carolina alone they have just disenfranchised upwards of 70,000 older black voters for the crime of having been born at home and not having certified birth certificates needed to get voter ID cards... Yet a NRA identification card is fine for voting...

4. The Republican Party hates unions and has used every opportunity to bust and destroy them... This started in the 80s with Reagan busting the Air Traffic Controllers Union and has not let up...

5. The Republican Party thinks that corporations are people and unlimited and undisclosed cash from corporations (foreign and domestic) is fine with them and that the voters have no right to know who is running attack ads...

6. The Republican Party had no issues with thugs and goons busting up town hall meetings and scaring people away from participating in the democratic process...

7. The Republican Party allowed people to yell, "Hang him" at Palin rallies in regards to Obama...

8. The Republican Party allows its candidates to threaten to shoot people (2nd amendment remedies) with whom they disagree...

No, folks these parties aren't the same... There was a time when this argument had merit... In 2000 I worked in the Nader campaign and have voted for him 2 times and brokered a vote for him in 2004... The Republican and Democrat Parties aren't your grandfather's parties...

Now if you are a Republican then feel free to continue propagating the Republican BIG LIE... It gives them cover for some very bad behavior... But if you aren't a Republican just be advised that the Republican PR machine is carefully putting these words in hour minds and your mouths...
