The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141574   Message #3259323
Posted By: Bobert
18-Nov-11 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Well, look at end result, Lighter... If you back out of the "garbage in = garbage out" concept and examine the "garbage out" what you find is a heck of alot of people who are parroting "both parties are the same"... That had to come from somewhere other than paying attention to the facts on the ground... PR is some tricky stuff and subliminal messaging occurs every day in just the way things are presented and after a while lies settle in in place of the truth...

I've been observing this for some time now but just within the last year I've seen how the Republicans have used the BIG LIE as a shield to shield them from criticism of their bad behavior, which BTW, goes back to the 90s and Gingrich... We've had almost 20 years of bad behavior from the Republicans starting with using their power to appoint a "special prosecutor" to burn thru $40M of our tax dollars to harass Bill Clinton...

And they continue to get away with bad behavior using their trusty "both sides" defense... It's kinda like what the Republicans did to the word "liberal"... It's all tricky PR, control groups, psychologists, ad-men, etc. that know how to manipulate public opinion and the manipulated rarely know why they say the things that they say... Kinda like a song stuck in yer head...
