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Thread #141574   Message #3259573
Posted By: akenaton
18-Nov-11 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Dick.... NO ONE is saying that both parties are "the same", Little Hawk has spent ages explaining how they differ.
Dont you read other people's posts?

Both parties DO serve the same master.....the Corporate Capitalist System and that is what prevents any chance of REAL democracy.
Its ethos has seeped into our souls, we all wanted to "make something of ourselves" which is Capitalist code for being "considerably richer than yew" Harry Enfield would say.

We will never have a Democracy 'till the worth of a man or woman is weighed in something other than £s or $s

Actually, the "liberal" Democrats and centre left in the UK are much more of an impediment to "change" than the Repubs or conservatives,
As they continue to assert, even today as our people are being robbed blind, that the system can be resuscitated.
Millions with a little to lose believe that lie and we remain divided.

They are a distraction with their "equality agenda", gender politics, race, any minority that they can dig up are persuaded that they must be "equal" in every way, regardless of cost or common sense.
People are encouraged by this lunatic fringe to expect to be provided with a living, even when their last vestige of personal responsibility has been abandoned.

Yes we need to ditch Corporate Capitalism, but we also need to inject a dose of reality into the minds of our "liberal" brethern,