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Thread #141574   Message #3259684
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Nov-11 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats = Republicans??? Not!!!
I'm not suggesting forming a "third party" or running a third party candidate, dick. That's a hopeless idea in the USA, one that is guaranteed to fail.

Got that? I'll repeat: I am NOT suggesting forming a third party in the USA.

I am not suggesting forming ANY political party whatsoever, because to do so would be an exercise in futility, in my opinion. I am suggesting completely nonpartisan social action by millions of people to transform society, such as was taken recently in Egypt, and such as is being taken (on a relatively small scale) by the OWS protests. It needs to be very much larger in scope than OWS, but OWS is a start.

I am also suggesting that it be an entirely peaceable and nonviolent movement, because that is the only sane way to go, in my opinion. Violence will only lead to disaster and the establishment of a police state in the USA.

I'm also not suggesting that the 2 parties are equally to blame for the dysfunction in Washington. It's the other way around...the lobbyists who work for the banks and major corporations are equally to blame for deliberately co-opting and corrupting both parties...with an equal degree of committment in either case. That doesn't imply an equality between the implies an equality of intent on the part of lobbyists to effectively control both parties, and they do. Whether their control of both parties is equal in nature or not is not the point. The point is that they are enabled to accomplish that control, equal or not, through the power of the dollar.

I have said that if forced to choose between voting for either the Democrats or the Republicans, I would vote for the Democrats in virtually every case. This clearly shows that I do not consider those 2 parties to be either equal or "the same". If I did, I'd have no preference for the Democrats over the Republicans, would I?