The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141507   Message #3259807
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Nov-11 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Sounds fairly accurate to me...only, we might get a huge treasure-wasting war with Iran even IF Obama stays in office. After all, that may be what his corporate bosses want him to do. And it would also be a marvelous way for him to utterly scupper the Republicans and ensure his re-election in 2012 by depriving them of their treasured favorite issue by scooping it right out from under them.

Don't underestimate such a possibility. Either of those 2 parties is stupid and greedy enough, in my opinion, to start such a disastrous war in order to get themselves elected. (Not that I'm implying Obama is stupid. He's not. But that hardly matters if the power structure around him decides to have him do something stupid...and we've already seen some examples of that.)

Americans tend to re-elect presidents who are engaged in hot wars (Afghanistan doesn't work anymore, cos it's lasted way too long and everybody's fed up with it now...but a BRAND NEW war with Iran would be a real rally-round-the-flag booster...for awhile) Why, it would be disloyal to abandon the "commander-in-chief" in such a crisis situation. (sarcasm)