The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141597   Message #3260127
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Nov-11 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: You're not a Folksinger unless......
Subject: RE: You're not a Folksinger unless......
I have sung Matty Groves, so I guess I'm a folksinger. ;-)

I also sing Bob Dylan's songs frequently, and I find much enjoyment in annoying people who object to that practice, but I don't try to sound like him, vocally speaking. What for? We already have Bob to do that, just like we already have Neil Young to sound like Neil Young and Louis Armstrong to sound like Louis Armstrong. I have my own voice to work with, after all, so why not use that? I will occasionally mimic some of Bob's typical phrasings and accent just for fun (as Joan Baez does too on occasion), but I mostly prefer to sing in my own natural voice.

I believe that the thing that pisses people off about Dylan is...

- He's done way better than they did.
- He's a lot more famous than they are. And better paid.
- More people like him than like them.
- He's probably more talented than they are too (although that's not a certainty).


- They just don't get what he's doing or saying, period. Incomprehension does not make for good listening.