Home run:I have checked it out on another internet-page. The players on the team who gets a "home run" , dont have to RUN "home". They can WALK if they want. But to not be unpolite to the opponents , they are expected to at least jog slightly. If they jog VERY slightly, maybe they dont need to wash their shirts before the next game ?
Another thing: Why do the baseball-players use long trousers ? Isnt that very HOT during the play ? Wouldnt it be better to use shorts ? Soccer-players (except the goal-ceepers)in England use shorts even when the degree is under 0 degrees Celsius. Hmmm..., I wonder why the baseball-players dont do the same ?
NB. I will from now on not answer questions from or make any comments to people who obviously have their hearts full of bitterness just because other human beeings have other opinions then themself. I will not mention any name, but for me it looks like one person here only gets more and more bitter, because other people express opinions that he does not agree with. This person will not get any comments or answers from me anymore, until I have the impression that he has been working with his own psychological condition and has let the bitterness go away