The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26829   Message #326035
Posted By: CamiSu
24-Oct-00 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
Subject: RE: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
Guess I'm picking daisies here instead of being out in the sheep meadow painting a set drop, but it's still a bit chilly for that anyway...

I love the fact that the daisies come to you, if only you listen. This morning I was startled by the sound of maybe a hundred birds waking up in my barn while I was out feeding sheep! And the other day the maple between us and the neighbors dropped a TON of whirling seeds in a wind gust, and they just DANCED in the air forever! And it only takes a moment to pick these. You hardly even need to stop! (except maybe your worried mind)

BTW our clothesline is often entirely purple!
