The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26855   Message #326089
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Oct-00 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: False humility...and real humility.
Subject: RE: False humility...and real humility.
Hmmmmm...good food for thought here.

I didn't realize that some people take the H to mean "honest". I hope this has not led to some of my posts being totally misconstrued by someone.

I may just abandon the acronym altogether now...or go to using IMO, but as Spaw points out, it's all opinion anyway, so why bother? It's as redundant as saying "at that moment (or point) in time"....a moment, be definition, has got to be in time, so why not just say "at that time", and you've got it covered. It's pontificating and puffery, that's what it is. Politicians love that stuff.

Bartholomew - all humility is NOT false...not if you genuinely believe in a higher presence and power that is alive in your life, and I do. Do you think I'm a born-again Christian or something? I am not. I study Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Science, Art, History, Culture, the Medicine Way (Native American), Wicca, and so on...and I find no conflict between any of them...they ALL lead to the same beautiful and simple Truths. Both Darwin and Einstein expressed strong belief in Spirit. Like you, I tend to post when I think I know more about something than maybe the next guy does...that's entirely normal, and not shameful in any way.

I agree that if you DON'T believe in Spirit or something higher that is unseen, THEN all of your humility may be false posturing, indeed. You see politicians (and certain TV evangelists) constantly doing such smarmy stuff, and it's downright embarassing. Sickening, in fact.