The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141684   Message #3262454
Posted By: Bobert
23-Nov-11 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
OKay, I got my red-negative-neck on so here's what they ain't ever gonna say:

50. That Obama guy ain't all that bad...
49. Restrictor plates rule...
48. Ya know, I used to be a hippie...
47. Toyotas rock...
46. Ya' know, I like that hip-hop shit...
45. "Sleepless in Seattle" was a great movie...
44. Big Trucks suck...
43. Who is Travis Tritt???
42. Save the redwoods...
41. I like broccoli...
40. Hey, ya' gonna be at the church picnic???
39. I'd like to go to Europe someday...
38. I like gardening...
37. I heard that McDonald's food is bad for you...
36. Bob Dylan rocks...
35. I really don't like shine...
34. Hey, Bubba, it ain't "nigger", it's black...
33. Tattoos suck...
32. Glad they're paying attention to concussions in football..
31. You need some tires, Bubba, thems is bald...
30. Fords Suck: 50% if Redneck Nation...
29. Chevys Suck: the other 50% of Redneck nation...
28. I think that Van Gogh's "Stary Night" is the shits...
27. The government is doing a good job...
26. I'm a Miller's Beer man...
25. Them folks up north are sho nuff some fine people...
24. Man never went to the moon... It was all fake...
23. Richard Petty was a punk...
22. My son just got accepted to M.I.T....
21. I voted for a Democrat...
20. Guess I musta just missed that 10 pointer...
19. Ya know, Bubba, there are three branches of government...

18 - 1 later...
