The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141684   Message #3262694
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Nov-11 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
I dunno' Janie..........How about when the stereotype aggressively "promotes" (read: trashes) himself?

Michelle Obama was at the final NASCAR race in Miami last Sunday in support of returning soldier's families. She and a group of soldier's kids gave the command to start engines. When introduced there was some booing from the crowd. It made the news of course and then got even worse as even Rush Limbaugh praised the assholes and then called the First Lady "uppity." See a short version here

NASCAR and racing in general have a bad enough reputation and I get tired of defending why I love it. As long as I can remember I have loved racing and have been involved with it on varying levels my entire life. I am all too well aware of the reputation of NASCAR fans but sometimes they seem to take great joy in perpetuating the image. Then when an asshole like Limbaugh backs the image up...........just pisses me off that we have seem to need a "Promote Your Negative Stereotype Week."
