The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26816   Message #326297
Posted By: Ferrara
24-Oct-00 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2000 Memories
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2000 Memories
This is stunning. I was there, and I'm learning about so many parts of it that I missed because we can't run it all in simulcast! Neat.

Jen, I forgot to say, I'm mighty thankful that the people responsible did their job and you didn't take off with a bomb on board.... have been thanking Whomever all day.

Boy, Barb, you've got my hopes up now. I'm gonna be campaigning to get you here next year. I think the last time I saw you was New Year's '79 ... too long. This year's Getaway makes me want to try harder to get to other Mudcat gatherings in our neighborhood, too!

In response to Allan's comment that "it seemed that anyplace you needed to be was uphill from where you were," I want to state firmly that the dining hall was *downhill* from wherever you were. This had the consequence that as soon as you finished eating, you got to trudge uphill to the next workshop. No matter where you were going, unless it was downstairs to the pool area, you got to climb to it from the dining hall. Remarkable. A real incentive not to eat too heavily.

Just after we left camp, I saw a bald eagle circling. Who else saw it/them during the weekend?

Am really enjoying reading people's lists of highlights. Hope more folks will share their highlights. Here are a couple more of mine.

Hearing Barry Finn sing a marvelous song about miners by Ewan McColl. Bill said later, "I suspect it didn't sound as good when Ewan McColl sang it." I got to hear more of Barry's singing this year than last, and every time, it was a moment to remember. He wrote a song about corruption in labor unions, from personal experience; and sang it in Songs of Struggle. Very fine.

Well, I see I can't write a nice concise highlight, can I? Guess I better hush for a while.

No, wait, just one more highlight, OK? Then I'll stop.

The mudcat community should be informed that the Salacious Songs at the Saturday Sing were Requested By Joe Offer. He said he wanted a song of "salacious love." Well, I sang my favorite, "The Links of Montrose," which sounds like a sweet, tacky parlor song for the first three verses and then descends into sewers and bogs of fairly raw single entendres. No subtlety but lots of humor. Learned it from Ed Miller, of Scotland and Austin. Apparently I missed much more salacious stuff later in the evening. Rats. Was anybody recording the song about the nuns?