The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141684   Message #3262975
Posted By: Stringsinger
24-Nov-11 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
I know it's not PC but Larry the Cable Guy cracks me up. He is the embarrassing family member or uncle no one wants to admit they have but whom everyone knows very well.

Sometimes he goes over the top in some right-wing stuff but he and Jerry Clower are the great Southern clowns. I like 'em both and laugh at their shtick.

That's another thing. There are no "shticks" in Southern humor. No Jackie Masons
below the Mason Dixon.

Mark Twain and William Faulkner would have to be classified as"redneck".
How dumb is that?