The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141684   Message #3263061
Posted By: Janie
24-Nov-11 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
Subject: RE: BS: Things a redneck would never say.....
VT, that reminds me of a story my grandmother used to tell. She had an uncle who eschewed eating groundhog if he knew it was groundhog. One Sunday dinner when he was going to be there groundhog was the meat du jour. Her mother cautioned them before the uncle arrived, telling them that if they wanted a second helping they should say "please pass the meat," vs "please pass the groundhog." Her brother did want a second helping. He remembered he wasn't supposed to ask for more groundhog, but the substitution "meat" escaped him. He stumbled and bumbled a bit, and finally said, "please pass the body."