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Thread #141507   Message #3263771
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
26-Nov-11 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
"but you know I am not isolated in my opinion by the facts"

The fact that you are not isolated in your opinion only indicates that there are others as misinformed as yourself (judging by the complete and utter rubbish you have attempted to introduce to reinforce your opinion)

Withdrew a "Battleship" - utter bollocks on two counts:

1: It had not been withdrawn in fact it was actually down there on station - I knew her Commanding Officer and talked to him extensively about the run up to and the actual conduct of operations commonly referred to as The Falklands War.

2: HMS Endurance was no "warship" let alone a "battleship"

All Britains ills were due to a gallon of petrol costing £1.75??? It costs £1.30 a LITRE now.

Socialists all they seem to have a capacity for is spreading poverty and despair and guess what Big Al - suits you down to the ground because the mantra of the socialist is - ITS ALWAYS SOMEBODY ELSE'S FAULT - they have never ever been any good at accepting responsibility for any of their misdeeds - We are deeply in the shit now because of 13 years of Liebour rule with the likes of Blair and Brown in charge.

If merely stating that observation puts me to the right of the right then your compass needs checking - it is normally called telling it as you see it.

Youself, BTNG, Silas and others have had ample opportunity to tell us all how great things were before 1979, yet you cannot come up with anything apart from agreeing with me that Scargill and the leadership of the TUC were complete and utter clowns. Between 1974 and 1979 they had destroyed the country and driven us to the IMF for a hand-out when was the last time that that had happened - how many times has it happened since?

You go on telling yourself lies Al, doesn't matter how many times you tell them, and it doesn't matter how fervently you believe them they will still be lies. I prefer to deal in the truth.

Enjoy your concerts