The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66703   Message #3263964
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
26-Nov-11 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Gulp! Ewan MacColl - Scottish or Not?
Subject: RE: Gulp! Ewan MacColl - Scottish or Not?
And remember that the programme was supposed to be about sea SHANTIES - that Gareth whatsisname - choirmaster - trying to find out about them: neither "Shoals of Herring" nor "Fisher Lassies" fit that description, although they are both very good songs about the fishing industry and come out of the original series of The Radio Ballads. Can't see how "Shoals of Herring" could be called a Scottish song, (even tho' the Corries recorded it) when the locations are YARMOUTH, CROMER, etc! "Fisher Lassies" does mention a lot of N-East Scotland fishing villages, although even the Lassies all end up on Yarmouth quay!
I know Irene and love her singing and Graeme's, but I'd agree it's the producers who kind of steered the ship away from the shanties, or did not make it clear that they were digressing from shanties in that part of the programme