The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141507   Message #3264536
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Nov-11 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
I meant to stay out of this ~ fed up with young people in their 20s/30s telling me I have no future & will never make it, obviously thinking I am same age as them, & then asserting that they don't give a fuck how old I am or what I have achieved when I tell them I'm a slightly earlier generation [80 in coming year] & of my not inconsiderable CV which now in past not in future, which presumably contains not that much apart from death ~~

But feel must point out, yet again to Al & such, that for all the hatred which they asseverate she incurred from absolutely everyone in the known & unknown unlverse inc Al's Tory mates! ~~

the fact still remains that over a 12 year period [a record?], she was re-elected on a free vote of the entire nation, not once, not twice, but three [count them - 3!] times.

Now, again, all you great supporters of freedom & democracy: let us hear what you have to say to get your thick heads around that simple & incontrovertible fact.
