The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141589   Message #3265316
Posted By: theleveller
29-Nov-11 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Subject: RE: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Sorry to hear of your problems VT.

Your idea for linking vulnerable adults with local artists is an interesting one. Recently, mrsleveller, in her roles as an organiser with the Workers' Educational Association, organised just such a venture in association with the local authority Gateway scheme, which supports VAs. A local mosaic artist was commissioned (paid by the WEA) to work with a group of people who had physical and learning difficulties and stress- and depression-related issues to produce a mosaic mural on a theme decided by the group. The result was amazing, created a huge amount on local and media interest and now hangs in Selby Town Hall. It was also of immense benefit to all those involved, giving them confidence and communication skills which are sure to help in their lives and with seeking employment.

There's probably a local WEA branch near you and it might be worth contacting them and discussing it. The problem now, as you no doubt know, is that schemes like this, and especially those set up by local authorities to help VAs are being axed because of government cutbacks. Mrsl would like to run another one but simply can't get the funding.