The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141589   Message #3265342
Posted By: VirginiaTam
29-Nov-11 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Subject: RE: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Thanks leveller.. will look into it if or when the time comes.

What I don't understand is how specific tasks I am responsible for are going away? In the new scheme there will be no filing by business support because the council is supposed to be moving to paperless and everyone is to be responsible for their own filing. The STRIPDEX (system managing over 8300 legal contracts and correspondence pertaining to archived material which must remain in the building for legal reasons) cannot be managed by the archivists. It needs one person creating new files, generating next numbers, weeding out duplicates and putting in cross references. It doesn't make sense to take an archivist out of the business of accessioning new deposits, cataloguing current archives and answering inquiries to do filing.

Who will collect and report on the statutorily required statistics. I suppose the archivists and manager will have this dumped down on them as well. This is where I feel the Archive Service Manager fell down in relation to explaining what the service needs.

The building will still need someone to enter complaints into the RESPOND system. I am the only one trained to use this system which is also required by council. I do Marketplace orders and INNTEL bookings both of which are also band 3 according to the new catalogue, though they do not have to be done by someone in the building.

Most of my job will still have to be done by a band 3. So how does this make my post redundant?