The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141507   Message #3265485
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
29-Nov-11 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Yanks make a Thatcher film!!!
Hang about:

"The Stupidest was Teribus talking about Reagan being to blame." - Jack the Sailor

Where and when did I ever say that anything about Reagan being to blame? My only mention of Reagan was to ask a question:

"Ah so Reagan caused the financial melt down did he??"

And of course Reagan DID NOT.

As far as politics go I think that much to your surprise you would find that you and I Little Hawk would on most things find ourselves very much in agreement.

"It allows them to divide and conquer. As long as they can keep you and Big Al and millions of others like you fighting with and detesting each other as long as you live over the imagined Left/Right divide, they've got you right where they want you.

You always seem to notice when I sharply criticize the Right. But you seem not to notice when I sharply criticize the Left. Or at least you don't make any mention of it. Why is that? Does it not register on your radar?

I am not fighting with Big Al and most certainly do not detest him, he is in all probability a very nice bloke and if his songs and music are anything to go by extremely enjoyable and entertaining company.

I would describe myself a A-political, but I will react when people make statements that I believe to be inaccurate or downright incorrect.

I am in accord with MtheGM when he said:

"I still feel the obloquy in which she is held to be unjust. Scargill was more malign than foolish, imo; and the idiot hyperbolical denunciations we keep hearing ["most evil woman of C20", some fool wrote on a thread not long since, genuinely appearing to feel she outranked Irma Grese of Elena Ceausecu or Myra Hindley in evil! - what a fatuous formulation] rub me up intolerably.

She has become a mere scapegoat for the idiocy of the leftie opposition: a boo-figure bogey-woman for the unthinking or won't-think mob mentality."

She had a job to do and was asked to it by the British electorate. She was a leader who actually provided leadership. Currently in the USA they have a President who is incapable of leading - I know for certain which is the more dangerous.