The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26829   Message #326575
Posted By: Matt_R
24-Oct-00 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
Subject: RE: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
It's easier to say "STOP!" than to actually do it. I don't have any time the stop and do anything. I got 10 minutes to walk from my car to the ECU wood shop where I inhale sawdust for 2 hours, then after that right upstairs to CA where I listen to Carl ramble about fonts for 2 hours, then head down to the darkroom sinks for an hour and a half to develop film, they maybe 20 minutes after that to get eat something and let the film dry, then back in the darkroom for the next 4 hours and 15 minutes, then walk a mile over to the Newman Center, carve pumpkins with pals for 2-3 hours, then back to the car (in the dark), drive home, and get cracking on CA homework for Wednesday's class, loading new film in the camera to start work for next Thursday's photo crit! Daisies? I ain't got time for no stinkin' daisies! Bus fumes, maybe!