The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141589   Message #3265913
Posted By: VirginiaTam
30-Nov-11 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Subject: RE: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Thanx for the lovely thoughts, everyone.

And MG thank you for helping put things in perspective. Very true I could possibly do occasional office type jobs for small businesses, sell crafted items (I have loads of supplies) maybe even busk in good weather, to raise funds for a visit home.

Yesterday during my health check with practice nurse I mentioned the probable job loss. She said they had just filled 2 part time posts in the surgery yesterday. Advised I put a CV in because there is a frequent turnover in support and reception staff. That is a mixed message, some hope on the horizon re a potential job and what's wrong with the surgery that they leak support staff?