The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141786   Message #3265968
Posted By: jacqui.c
30-Nov-11 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Racist rant going viral on YouTube
Subject: RE: BS: Racist rant going viral on YouTube
Thinking further on this.

This woman sat on a tram containing quite a diverse group of passengers. She was travelling with a small child, possibly her own son. She began a highly racist rant. At one point the black guy behind her gets up, obviously incensed by her behaviour, but is cautioned to sit back down. Luckily, he heeds the caution.

Just suppose that there had been someone on that tram of a really violent nature? Suppose that person ignored any warning not to get involved. Suppose that person had some sort of weapon with them? It's a bit like shouting fire in a crowded theatre. The possibility of real violence breaking out was palpable. And she had a small child sat on her lap.

Now, to be quite honest, I don't think that it would have bothered me one iota if she had been attacked but she had a small child on her lap. She put that child in imminent danger by her actions, in my opinion just as much as if she had left him alone near an open fire or had left any other dangerous item within reach.

Free speech is fine, so long as the consequences of same are accepted but this little boy was not in that position.

Sorry gnu - I do think that Social Services should be looking at removing this child, even temporarily, to see if this woman can get her head sorted out and act as a mother should, protecting her offspring from danger. At 34 she should be old enough to know better.