The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26829   Message #326820
Posted By: Naemanson
25-Oct-00 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
Subject: RE: NotMusic: I'd pick more daisies....
I know what you mean Matt. If you think you are busy now try including all of that with being a parent. You'll see what I mean some day.

Llanfair hit the mark with her comment. I like to think of the things I see when I drive to work. I work in a windowless office inside a metal building. I HAVE to focus on the things I see elsewhere. Sometimes it is a glimpse of a heron hunting in the shallows as I drive past at 60 MPH. I always watch for the osprey nests and wave at them and their babies. Yesterday it was sun and fog and bright yellow leaves.

Find time to pick daisies, if not now, remember to do it later.