The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26796   Message #326964
Posted By: Bat Goddess
25-Oct-00 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: NH vs. Maine: What gives?
Subject: RE: BS: NH vs. Maine: What gives?
Actually, I think Kennebunkport is part of Boston or New York ;-) (I used to live in Cape Porpoise & Lower Village.) The Brick Store Museum (where the festival was) is in Kennebunk which is definitely Maine.

Doug Clegg lives near Concord, NH. Cormac McCarthy and Sammy Haynes live just across the Piscataqua in Maine, I think. Bill Morrissey hasn't been in Newmarket, NH for years; I think he's now in Massachusetts. And Cosy Sheridan (who actually does some trad besides her own songs) is living in Utah now, I think, but swoops in and out of the seacoast NH area. (She's from Exeter). Yes, there is a lot of blending of North Shore Massachusetts/Seacoast New Hampshire/South Coastal Maine and that's what really makes it wonderful to live around here.

Bat Goddess