The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26827   Message #326965
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
25-Oct-00 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
Subject: RE: Government---the bigger the better !!!!
"Government, by its nature, attracts a certain type of person" - I think there is a certain sort of people who really want power for its own sake, and they often tend to get into positions of power - but that doesn't seem to be peculiar to Givernment, or to the public sector.

They want to have more power for its own sake, and to expand there influence, and they enjoy exercising that power, for its own sake again. Spending wastefully can be one way that demonstrates itself, and that maybe is more chgaracteristic of public sector. Taking grossly inflated salaries and share options and so forth are another way, and that's more typical of the private sector. Now they've worked out a way of combining the two, and tits called public-private partnership, and is described as "the Third Way".

There are also people who have ambitions to do something useful, and they also can be attracted to positions of power, and sometimes make it. I think these are less likely to waste money, since that means there's less to spend on getting useful stuff done. And maybe they are less obsessed with raking in the cash personally, rather than getting to achieve what they want.

I'd draw a distinction between Government and the public sector. But in any case I don't know any evidence that either is more full of crooks and charlatans and generally reprehensible characters than private business. Along with the good guys. But by and large wherever you go, it seems to me that the stuff that rises to the top is more likely to be scum than cream.