The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141978   Message #3269779
Posted By: Hollowfox
07-Dec-11 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Kindle Nook or what?
Subject: Tech: Kindle Nook or what?
The library where I work has offered $50.00 to any librarian who buys an ebook reader between now and January 20. (The intent is that we librarians will learn how to install and use them so we can help all the grandmas and grandpas who get them as gifts without any help or instruction by their loving young'uns.) If we go over $50, that's our choice, but we pay the difference.
I'm fine with this, and I'll learn how to use it, even though most of my reading tastes probably won't be available for download. The problem is, what will give me the most value for money? If the device has other apps and functions, I wouldn't mind, but I'm not considering one of those smartphones with a screen the size of a piece of gum and a teenytiny keyboard.