The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142005   Message #3270937
Posted By: MGM·Lion
09-Dec-11 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Politicians, sex and affairs
Subject: RE: BS: Politicians, sex and affairs
Absolutely, Richard ~~ my point: that was where the "public interest" came manifestly to the fore; perhaps for first time since Parnell? & there was all that supporting cast ~~ Rice-Davis, Ward, TheManInTheMask [could it really have been HRH DofE!] ~ to add that especial frisson of, who-can-you-ever-trust? & all the turnups, like Ward's suicide on the day his verdict due. Blimey, you couldn't make it all up. Eat yer ❤ out, Mr le Carré!
