The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141589   Message #3271127
Posted By: VirginiaTam
09-Dec-11 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Subject: RE: BS: We need a 'pity me' prefix
Well I was not matched to my current band 3 post, nor was I selected for any other band 3 post in the council. My skills and experience far outweigh the criteria for any band 3 post. Advanced level on ALL Microsoft applications (I have built several rather complex databases, and use spreadsheets to collect and report statistical data). I have much accumulated knowledge about the council as a whole and various service areas (community mental health, social services, schools children and families, heritage and arts, archive and records management and even a little about capital programme and building development). I have learned and regularly use all the bespoke software applications for ordering, booking travel and registering and monitoring complaints.

Yet somehow I failed to make the grade for a band 3 post. I am still waiting for feedback.

The call came Wednesday late afternoon. That morning I had a GP appointment seeking pain meds that would permit me to continue in work as the tramadol was knocking me out. Doc (based I suppose on the stage of decay the disease has reached) asked if I had thought about ill health retirement. What a blow. Up to that point I still believed I am going to beat this disease. So the afternoon call about not getting a band 3 post was cherry on shit cake day.

I was asked if I would be willing to accept a band 2 post anywhere in the county and any hours. I replied that I would be interested in a band 2 post but given my disability I am tied to Chelmsford. I also said reduced hours were ok if I could start at 8am as my husband who works in Chelmsford provides my transport to work.

Met with stony silence. You could have cut the lack of sound on the other end of the phone with a knife. I knew in that moment that I had given the wrong answer. All that was wanted was either yes or no (probably no). So she said you will only work in Chelmsford and you want specific start time. I will have to look and see what is available. I've not heard anything since.

Thing is, I can't afford ill health retirement and I probably wouldn't get it anyway. So that is out.

I am however, applying for a band 5 Quality Assurance Officer with Special Educational Needs. The job responsibilities are all things I have done before in different settings. I know I can do it. But it is near impossible to get out of the business support administrative loop, no matter what your education, skills and experience. I have teaching degree in USA, which means fuck all here. I have worked with vulnerable adults in community mental health bu in an office admin capacity. Not a professional one. Guess I will just have to suck it and see.