The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142005   Message #3271176
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Dec-11 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politicians, sex and affairs
Subject: RE: BS: Politicians, sex and affairs
I don't regard numerous sexual encounters as "chaos", GfS, I regard them as evidence of a strong libido.

In ancient China, where they were not burdened with the Judeo-Christian-Muslim guilt complex about sex, they regarded sexuality as strictly a health issue, not a moral issue, and all their advice about sexuality was geared as to which uses of it would benefit your health and which uses of it could damage your health. They did not see it as "sinful" they saw it as natural behaviour which, like any other natural behaviour (such as eating or laughing or running or talking or basking in the sun) was healthful when practiced sensibly (with moderation)...and damaging to the health when practiced excessively (as can occur with any addiction or obsession).

I think they were absolutely right about that.