The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142096 Message #3273677
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Knowledge
14-Dec-11 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: Is there an Essex Wassail?
Subject: RE: Is there an Essex Wassail?
I `ad that Ethel Spelter in my cab the other day. She`s the last of the Essex professional women hot dip galvanisers. She wrote that book," Zinc or Swim". I said , "Morning Eff, `ave you seen that Mudcat. They`re asking about if there are any Essex wassails. Surely, as a county authority on and singer of local folk songs you could answer that?" She said, " I suppose the one that comes to mind is "Giving Time". I said, "`ow does it go then?" She went, "Well chorus is like this.
"Christmas is a giving time. A lovely time of year. I wanna go to Lakeside And get me presents there"".