The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140796   Message #3274606
Posted By: Art Thieme
16-Dec-11 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Art Thieme-UPDATE - 20 March 2012
Subject: RE: Art Thieme-UPDATE - They Have a Phone!!
Wow!!! I just finished reading this entire thread. You all are the very best of what this Internet is all about. Thanks so very much for all of it...

Yes, Chris my son and absolutely my best friend in this world,is place for us.

Yes, we are in this quite nice facility now in Crystal Lake, Illinois; and it is enough for me to say that, compared to the other place in Toluca, IL, this is heaven, and that was hell. (Indeed, the Internet gave the Asta Care Care facility in Toluca just a one star rating.)

My finger is about an inch shorter now.The whole thing was my own fault. I was in my wheelchair, trying to close the door to our easement. I put my hand behind the door and pushed it to swing the door closed from behind the door-near the hinge. Please remember my hands are totally numb fro my Multiple Sclerosis. When the door nob got close to me, I pulled the door closed hard. That is what busted my finger. Figuring on losing the nail, I spent two plus monthe trying to heal the finger.It looked good to me. It healed over nicely and completely-I thught. The finger was now three times t's oriinal size. Maybe,I though, it might be time to lt the doc seeit